Friday, June 6, 2014

What would you wear if there is nothing left?

“What would you wear if there is nothing left?” This is the concept and theme for the student fashion show made by student designers and members of the Colorado State University’s Department of Design and Merchandising, they called it – The Last Runway Fashion Show.

Student designers working on a recycled piece…

It is quite amazing and fun, given that the whole concept is to make a collection of trendy and beautiful dresses out of recycled materials.

They have to come up with a very unique design and use materials that you would not think of using for a dress and or something that you thought should end up in the garbage in the first and when put together in dress can actually look amazing.

You can’t help but be amazed at how incredibly talented and creative these young designers are, when they tell what materials they use – the people would all go like, what?! Wow?!

The reason why they came up with such a brilliant idea is to inspire designers in creating designs that reflects futuristic concepts and militant survival-based civilization as well as, to promote the Clean Environment advocacy – the 3R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle.

There were many fashion professionals, designers, celebrities and people from the fashion and art magazines and the media who were in attendance, and they were all quite impressed.

At the end of the show, the tickets were raffled and winners received various gift cards courtesy by local businesses in Fort Collins.

Proceeds were also donated to charities programs to help young designers and artists pursue their dreams.

This piece is 100% made of recycled materials…

You would have not guessed some of the designs to be of recycled materials if you do not know the show’s theme. The show was a blast, there were a lot of laughs shared and it was a success. For more fashion shows check out Fashion Glitter

Find out more about Colorado State University Department of Design and Merchandising;

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